We love Bible study at St George’s Church!

Many of our church members will tell you that our Bible studies have deepened their faith. They will say they have grown in their understanding of God’s ways and their love of Christ.

Our mid-week meetings take place Wednesday mornings. Longer-term we are very open to starting evening options. We follow a four-week pattern:

1. RBT (Read the Bible Together) Feedback

Find out more at this page.

2. RBT Plus

An opportunity to dig deeper into the book of the Bible that we have just been reading.

3. Sing to the Lord

We sing familiar hymns/songs and learn new ones, especially Psalms, so that we might honour God with our voices, encourage one another, and develop our sung worship at St George’s.

4. Together for the Gospel

We think about, and pray about, ways that God is at work beyond St George’s. It could be a Christian group in this country, praying for another nation, or many other things.

find out more by reading this document.